Use this form, if you want to hire a photographer, model etc. or are a photographer and look for a model or if you are a model and look for a photographer. This form can be used to address an individual (open from the profile) or to place a casting call (open from project offer page).This is not a dating request form. If you enter such a request or respond to a post in such a way, we reserve the right to post your personal information under Idiot of the Month!!! Note also that some users selected to have their messages screened. Offers in an unknown language, not in accordance with the models statement, private messages, contact requests or unserious offers are not forwarded. Please, serious offers ... this is not for cheap freaks to get model work.Note: Posts are not public except by special request!Note: Only a few entries are mandatory. Most entries are suggestions and good style to fill in.
If you are a member, please login before you fill in this form.
May-6 New Hamburg Habor, Habor city and Elbphilharmonie photos
Jun-28 New Photographer Anna & Jürgen from Hamburg. Check him out. (auto post)
Apr-6 Shout Outs This a place for quickies ... hmmm I ment shout outs or short announcements.
Oct-28 New photos!!!
Sep-28 Nun mit Diashow in einigen Bildergalerien. Sehen Sie nach o_o
Sep-24 Nun könnt Ihr mehrere Änderungen an mehreren Bildern gleichzeitig durchführen!
Aug-5 New Photographer Rowald from Kihei. Check him out. (auto post)
Aug-1 New Artist Gitta2 from hamburg. Check her out. (auto post)
Jun-29 hello